Many parents have the same questions about pursuing orthodontic treatment. What is the best age to see the orthodontist? And is there a right age for getting braces? Parents often assume this can only be done once all the teeth are in but certain bites and issues should be treated at younger ages before all […]
Want to get a head start on your child’s smile? Check out Myobrace treatment! Poor oral habits can lead to crowded teeth, underdeveloped jaws, open bites and many more unpleasant complications. Myobrace can straighten teeth the natural way, so you don’t have to worry about your child being too young. Myobrace retrains the facial muscles […]
The number of adults wearing braces has increased dramatically in recent years. According to the American Association of Orthodontics there were more than 1 million adults with braces in 2008, a 25% increase from 1989. The number of adults getting braces has risen for a number of reasons: Advances in braces technology makes them less […]
Ever looked forward to a mouth watery meal and BAM, you accidentally bite your cheek! Just like that the meal is ruined. It may happen once in a while that you accidentally bite your cheek, but if it happens frequently, your teeth may be positioned poorly. Aside from ruining meals cheek biting can result in mouth sores […]
Sleeping is essential to our health; it helps keep a healthy heart, reduces stress, boosts alertness, improves memory and helps the body repair itself. We’ve all experienced the occasional sleepless night but what if you are “sleeping” and still not feeling your best through the day. It could be a sleep disorder known as Sleep […]
It is a common misconception to think that all dental offices are alike. That’s why people pick a dental office simply based on its proximity to their workplace or home. Or they may pick one charging the lowest rates. At The Brace Place, we like to think our office is singularly unique and here’s why: […]
The short answer to this question is NO, it’s not too late. Of course, this answer may not be enough to overcome any anxiety and hesitation you may have. But there are several positive reasons that explain why it makes sense to get braces when you’re an adult: You’re not the only adult who’ll be […]
There are times when conventional orthodontic solutions cannot successfully treat a bite problem. Severe malocclusion may require surgical treatment particularly if it is causing functional problems such as speech difficulties, inability to properly chew food and facial dysfunction in the form of joint pain, headaches or gum problems. Self-esteem issues brought about by jaw abnormalities […]
As an established orthodontics practice in Grand Prairie, TX, we often get asked about what causes a bad bite. Also known as malocclusion, a bad bite happens when your upper and lower teeth don’t fit together correctly. It is a misalignment problem that can lead to serious complications to your oral health and well-being. Ideally, […]
My patients usually ask this question during the initial consultation. Adults are especially concerned about the amount of time they need to wear braces. On average, it takes about 24 months to complete an orthodontic treatment. Some patients require less than 12 months, but there are also patients requiring up to 3 years of treatment […]